Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Updates, that aren't so up-to-date

She's over 7 months. She's petite though...most people are guessing 4-5 months when they see her.

She has her two bottom teeth and they are simply adorable. As they move farther up and we start to get peeks of them in her smile...it kills me, it's too cute.

She's gumming away on wheat biscuits and is loving them! The box says they are for 9 month old's who are crawling, we are not 9 months or crawling, but...we're doing good with them.

I tried to give her banana and avacado straight this weekend...both were a huge failure. We'll try cooked carrots next, then maybe toast...she's showing signs of wanting to feed herself (by grabbing the spoon) but she must not like the texture of the real stuff.

Clothes are sized completely weird. Stuff marked 6/9 months fits great, stuff marked simply 9 month is just barely long enough and tight at the neck. Today, we wore a shirt marked 12 months and it fit well...let's hope she doesn't miss out on the chance to wear all the cute things in her closet!

She's still in a size 3 diaper and I keep meaning to weigh and measure her...I'm 100% sure she's more than 14.5lbs (which is what she weighed on August 5th).

She does good at a sitting in a shopping cart and in the high chairs at restaurants. Our biggest problem at most restaurants is that the chairs put her face at the perfect height for gnawing on the table (gross!) and YOU try to have a good dinner while constantly distracting a baby who only wants to gnaw that table...forget all the toys you have for her, that table has magnetic properties.

She still dislikes riding in a car. If we can time it right she'll fall asleep, if not...you better hope you only have a short ride.

She is LOVING the activity triangle and is really starting to get the hang of the different movements the pieces make...not only that, but she's strong enough to toss this toy around.

Wow, none of that was organized...but as for a bullet point run down, it's pretty detailed! I'll read this in a few months, think "my gosh, remember when..." and then cry. I'll cry the biggest tears, tears of happiness for who she's becoming and the joy of getting to see it.

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