Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Not alone...

...another young couple recently became first time parents through fostering!

Jennifer, and her husband, welcomed two brothers, age 1 and 4, to their family.

That was the image we had in our head (well, except we are only licensed for 1 child). The image of a toddler. An little body that could communicate, had already developed feelings and a personality, and was toddling around on their own two feet. We got everything but that...

...and I am SO happy watching Snarkles learn to communicate, develop feelings and personality, and toddle around (WAIT, no...she doesn't toddle...yet) with us. For those who haven't met her, she is a rather alert and curious little miss who has never met a stranger.

She is starting to really learn forward and put her arms out for us and I guess, now that she is 7 months old, she thinks it is ok to sit on her own too.

Yes, she is SITTING ON HER OWN (next thing I know, she will be sitting on her own, in the front seat of a car, behind the steering wheel...can someone please stop time?). It's a sweet sorrow. I love seeing her grow and develop, but imma gonna miss her last 6 months as they fade into memories.

1 comment:

  1. nope, not alone anymore! :-) It truly helps to "know" someone else who knows the process and "gets it"!! I'm gonna have to meet Miss Snarkles someday...we need a playdate ;-)
