Wednesday, November 30, 2011



Snarkles first visit in 4 months is scheduled.

Sound familiar?

Sound even MORE familiar?

I know, I've said it before and I mean it: I want to stay at this amusement park...but I want to get off this roller coaster!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

No news, is news.

No news is not "good new" in this kind of instance. It's news.

That concept is hard for some people to grasp. They're immediate reaction tends to be "oh, well if you haven't heard anything that must be good for you guys."

Truthfully, it's not. It's sometimes agonizing...sometimes worrisome...and sometimes just plan obnoxious for someone like me who just WANTS TO HEAR SOMETHING.

Anyway, if we want to keep Snarkles we DO have to do our continuing education. We're about 10 hours short of our 10 hour minimum...

Yeah, that's either 10 books we need to read, 10 seminars we need to attend, or 10 activities we need to do...We SHOULD have been collecting these hours all year long, but, well, we didn't prioritize it. So in addition to holiday decorating, parties, and'll be getting my reviews of these educational hours. It'll be like last year all over!

PS. Actually- a year ago we had finished our classes, had our homevisit, and were just finishing paperwork to be sent to the state...I never imagined this journey we were starting!

Monday, November 21, 2011

My Madonna

Snarkles just got her two front teeth and it's not even Christmas!

Her teeth appear to have a gap, eek. I suppose it's ok, I mean, it works for Madonna after all.

...and for {the actor I think is sexiest} Josh Harnett

Did you know he had a gap?! Probably not unless you're obsessed like me. Josh hardly ever shows his teeth when he smiles and it might be that heir of shyness that makes him so freakin' attractive.

Searching Google for these images makes me wonder: are we ever too old to crush on cute guys? If Josh Hartnett or Chris Gorham were on the cover of Seventeen magazine, I can't promise I wouldn't buy a copy and keep it hidden under my bed...

You know, like I did when Jonathan Taylor Thomas was on the cover in 1994.

Friday, November 18, 2011

To foster is NOT to adopt

To announce you are "ADOPTING" is all glory and honor. To announce that you are open to the chance to adopt a child after fostering them for an unknown amount of time...well, no one wants to read that, right?

Yes, fostering can lead to adoption- but I believe that you have to be committed to fostering before you can announce that you are adopting. In fact, I don't feel like you can announce that you are "ADOPTING" before you even have a child {in-foster-care} placed with you, much less one whose case has actually moved to adoption (all children come into foster care with the goal of reunification- the courts make the decision to terminate parental rights at whatever point they see fit).

To be committed to fostering means you have to know that you have no control of any situation, that you will love and provide for, unconditionally, any child placed in your care. You have to believe that there is good in everyone. That you can help the child's parents to become better and that you WILL have a positive impact, no matter what the outcome. You have to go into it knowing you will never regret it, even when it gets the hardest.

In the foster-to-adopt route to adoption, adopting only becomes an option after countless hours have been spent fostering.

So sure, you may foster with the hopes to adopt...but fostering is first and foremost an act of committing yourself to the system- with no promises of the happy ending.

For me it's an act of love and an act of responsibility.

I've been blessed with a house that's too big for two people, a job with a stable income, and parents who raised me to be respectable and capable. So, I was called to act- I was called to do this for reasons greater than my own understanding. It's hard as hell and easier than I ever imagined all at the same time.

What I do understand is that I am doing it because there are children out there that need a loving, stable home and good role models.

It's being part of a community, a community larger than the community of me, where I only do what pleases me and gives me gratification. I am held responsible to the society I live in. If I live here and do nothing, I'm worth nothing. God paid a price for me, I'm worth something so I have to show it. That's why I'm a foster parent.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

MIA much

It's been a long time since I posted anything. No reason, except things are busy and not that entertaining for reading...unless you're the type that really buys into these blogs that are mundane regurgitation's of someone's daily to-do list.

I flew solo with Snarkles last weekend and things were pretty amazing. I couldn't ask for a better baby. And how did I get so lucky with one that is so beautiful too?! Really, people are nice and they are even nicer when you look like you have your hands full- or is it that they just wanted to coo at the baby? Yeah, probably the later. whatever.

The trip was short but OH SO SWEET. I have an amazing best friend.