Monday, September 26, 2011

How... I accept compliments on how gorgeous Snarkles is from the people I know, work with, see at church, etc?

Sure, in writing, telling me to just say "thank you" and move on makes the most sense. In reality, the situation is so different than being able to do that.

I do want credit for helping this girl reach her milestones, for influencing her awesome little personality, and for teaching her new things. But, I CAN'T take credit for her beautiful eyes or how insanely cute she is. Thank you just doesn't seem appropriate.

Sometimes, I wish people would just smile and say I'm doing a great job. THAT, I can respond to. Smiling and saying "I just can't get over how beautiful she is, she is so tiny and cute, and her eyes are so pretty and blue" isn't something I can respond to easily.

It would be rude to say "I know, I'll be sure tell her biological parents you said so" or "yes, we 'got' a very beautiful baby from the county," right?!

(Unless you're a complete stranger, in which case, "yes...she is gorgeous, thank you!")


  1. someone complimented the boys the other day & I said "Thanks, they got their great complexion from me! ;-)" I guess the irony doesn't work as well for you though...ha!

  2. Shannon- I just read your comment on my blog and wanted to respond. I don't follow your blog, but I recognized your screen name from twitter and twitter led me here. I'd prefer to respond privately, but you don't have an email listed. 

    I'm not sure I understand the issue you take with my post. We are adopting. We are doing so through the foster system. That cannot be disputed. Is it the wording you don't like? Also, we expect placement in January. I was very clear that our first placement will most likely NOT be our forever child. However, that is irrelevant. We are adding a child to our home and no matter how long he or she is with us, we will celebrate that addition!!

    And I think you are mistaking my excitement for pride. We are so thrilled to be following this journey God has planned for us! We want to shout it from the roof tops and give Him all the glory for His awesome plans. 

    I feel like your response comes from a place of hurt. From glancing at your past three or four posts, it seems you are currently adopting. I'm truly sorry if you've been hurt in the process. 

    Prayers for you and your family. Feel free to email me at to discuss further. 

