Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Panel Night

So, skipping a review of last weeks meeting (which I will eventually get back to) I can't wait to explain what panel night was like!

We hosted a panel of 7 people who are actively involved in the foster care system. First, a representative from the court spoke about the legal aspects and the decisions he has to make as a judge (like terminating parental rights). Then they went clockwise around the group- a foster parent of 0-5, a 17 year old child in foster care, her therapeutic foster mother, another foster mother, her adopted child, and a young lady who's mother fostered in their home during her college years.

Thankfully, for our benefit, the experiences were varied. It was inspiring because even given the varied experiences, the sentiment was the same across the board- You go into this for the children, but you end up feeling as blessed, rewarded, and loved by them as they do by you. Each of the three foster parents had a passion for it, you could sense it while they talked.

Each of them had placements that worked and some that didn't. But even given that, there was little negativity or hesitation about doing it. Each of them struggled at times with the birth parent connection because of how it related to the health and well-being of the child.

I got a good sense that the DSS offers more than adequate support and that they're as much cheerleaders for you as advocates for children.

I can honestly say that I can.not.wait. to do this. I have days of hesitation...but they don't relate to whether or not I have a passion for this, my hesitation is simply because we're planning to add children to our lives...and that's a HUGE step.

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