Thursday, February 28, 2013

Our Morning

It's amazing how difficult it is to carry a laptop bag, lunch box, coffee mug, keys, a 2 year old out to the car, get the door to the house shut and locked, and keep the dog from knocking over the 2 year old or running into the I've streamlined my routine and I'm loving having a routine...for everyone else, cheers to you for being more go-with-the-flow but this gets us out the door at almost the exact same time (within a 5 minute frame) every day!

I wake up a sleeping child around 7:10, after i've gotten completely ready for work and have taken my stuff out to and started the car to defrost/warm it up for the two of us.

She usually stretches her little body out in the crib while rolling over a few times. If not that, then she curls her little hands under her belly and scrunches down to try to snuggle the last few seconds out of her bed.

I lay her on her changing pad, head to my left and her feet to my right, smile big at her, and then she usually asks some clarifying questions or makes statements. "Daddy at work" "Anna's socks right there." "Anna juice?" She's a morning girl, like her Mommy.

I change her diaper and clothes, sometimes she wants to do it herself now. Except, she still can't quite seem to get her socks on or her shirt over her head. Some days she doesn't like the shoes I've chosen and I use a distraction method to get them on her or I'll compromise and let her wear the ones she wants.

We walk downstairs, and on the way she flips all the light switches for me. I'm holding her of course. "Mommy hold you" This is a morning requirement. NEVER SET THE GIRL DOWN. It leads to crying and overall distress for everyone involved. Holding is non-negotionable.

We get into the car and she points out things in the shops windows as we drive through our small sleepy town, or sings, or runs through all the names of her friends from school.

We get to the daycare and I get her out of her carseat and she immediately asks for "Mommy's breakfast" Nutri-grain bars are her favorite only because one morning she threw such a fit about her cereal that I caved and asked her if she wanted "Mommy's breakfast" and of course she did and ever since then, that's what she asks for...she's generally ok if this breakfast happens to be something a bagel with cream cheese, but whatever it is, I have to refer to it as "Mommy's breakfast"

We walk in and smile and say hello to everyone. I set her at the breakfast table with the others. Recently I started asking her who she wants to sit beside...her answer is always the same..."Lucas"

I hate saying goodbye. It's such a short period of time that I have with her in the morning and I crave more. But, instead of dwelling on the lack of time, I hug her extra tight, kiss her all over, and talk to her constantly throughout our morning routine...sometimes I don't mind if we're at the latter end of our 5 minute flex time...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Happy Birthday, 2 year old!

About me:
I used to think that Mom's should get to celebrate on "birthdays" in honor of all the endurance they had been through to get to that day. Except, now...that theory is kind of irrelevant to my situation...and I don't know what to think.

I still feel that way for my own mom - I mean, what did I do to deserve presents and thoughtful wishes on July 2nd?

In some way, I think I feel that way for Snarkle's biological mom. Does she realize what day today is? I'll probably think about her over the course of Snarkles life. Maybe on this day, maybe not, but probably.

I used to think that birthday's were technically a count-down, even though the numbers are going up.
We age and get old
Miss opportunities that we look back on and wish we had taken
Experience things too fast
Constantly move towards a still target

That was, until a friend gave me a card that read "365 days better than last year" and my perspective has changed.

I used to focus on what was gone, instead of thinking about what has been gained. This monumental shift in my mindset is integral to my life with a child.

Today is not about marking the time, it's about being happy for everything that's happened since "Anna" turned one, everything that makes her who she is...
Her Baptism
School teachers
She sings
Does "yoga"
Loves her family, school friends, and neighbors
Uses the potty occassionaly
Puts multiple words together
Talks all the time
Counts to 10 with some success
Says her alphabet, but only A-G
Wants to be outside all the time
Is still petite, but in size 24 month clothes
Only interested in Elmo videos from you tube
A great sleeper
Happy to go to school every morning
A healthy eater
Confident and outgoing but shy with strangers and in new crowds
Silly, so silly
A Mommy's girl

...she is all of that because of the past 365 days.

I loved her at 1.

I love her even more at 2.

Monday, January 14, 2013


I'm not 100% sure why I stopped writing on here. Just shy of a year ago. I believe it's because at some point fostering stopped feeling - the way I had imagined it would feel. I imagined something that would tear at my heart and challenge me. I imagined it as life filled with despair, sadness, anger, frustration, and confusion. What it became, what it always was, is everything else. Hope, love, support, dedication, and joy. This blog did not do justice to life as foster parents. Looking back now, I wish I had not stopped sharing. I should have kept writing. Foster care deserves to have more people share more of the good stuff. The world needs more of that anyway - the good stuff. I owe a million thanks to so many people for supporting and encouraging our fostering journey to this point. I feel humbled by the love and embarrassed that I will never be able to repay anyone in an equal or adequate way. This journey isn't over. I think we're going to take some time to find our identity as a family of 3 but, we're renewing our license. Happy New Year!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


March 19, 2011
March 17, 2012

Accidentally captured this comparison.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Another First

One year ago yesterday Snarkles smiled at us, responsively, for the first time. Easter day, 2011.

I could not imagine our future at the time. Yesterday, I looked at her...really just took the time to LOOK at see her at this age and to notice all her little features.

And I realized, that next year, no matter what, I will have that image of her.

John 16:22
...and no one will take away your joy.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Not just managing.

We're thriving.

If you know me, you know I read blogs like crazy. I keep quite a few on Google Reader, have other's that I visit less frequently but still often, or find random ones and read through stories of people's lives that I have never met. I recently stumbled here.

Her writing is excellent (it ought to be, she's an English major/teacher). But more importantly, her ability to convey her thoughts is beyond excellent and her personality is full of depth.

I have to say though, this isn't the first blog post that I have read about working mothers. It is especially not the first about working mother's strife. But in truth, I can not relate to them.

Sure things are unfinished at home, hectic at times, and just busy in general. BUT.THAT'S.OK. Those feelings don't overwhelm me or harbor resentment for me.

I think we need to take a step back from keeping up with the Jones because I believe that's all these posts are about. My response to reading this and to how I overcome this "strife" is as follows...

My Domestic Managing

#1 I've realized that if everything has a "home" and makes it's way there by the end of using it/the end of the's not that difficult to keep everything straightened up. It also means that we're not spending hours looking for things that we need, we know exactly where to find it.
#2 Hire help. I'm not embarrassed to say that not only do I not have time to clean my toilets, but I do not want to clean my toilets. Every other week we pay some wonderful ladies to tackle this part of our house cleaning duties. AND.THERE.IS.NOTHING.WRONG.WITH.THAT! This is not a luxury I grew up with but it is an example of solving a problem to the constant complaint that working mother's have to do it all. Instead of sitting here and complaining that i'm spending too much time cleaning...I'm sitting here telling you that I'm paying for extra time with our baby girl. I feel no obligation to cleaning over spending time with her. I could care less if there are nightly dishes that don't get done and sit in the sink. Which leads me to #3 Loosen up on the expectations you place on yourself and you'll feel so much more happy with where you are in life.

On Motherhood, Work, and Time

It's amazing how much Snarkles has learned from us and it's amazing how much she learns while in daycare. She is a social butterfly and it's a good thing for her to be around the other children. She's learning skills that if at home with me, she wouldn't get. I, personally, could not stay at home everyday, all day, week in, and week out, with just her. I love her to death, but I believe that as long as we inspire her and create memories with her during the hours of the day that she's with us, our mother daughter/father daughter/family bond is as strong as steel.
However, just before Snarkles first birthday I took a risk in my career. I asked for additional time off. Sure, I LOVE being a career woman but I felt like I needed more time at, instead of whining about how little time I get with her, I asked the bosses for a reduced schedule. Justin and I didn't work out the finances or talk in depth about the risks...making the discussion that much more nerve-wracking...instead, Justin just said, do it. And we're months into my new schedule and I couldn't be happier. Friday afternoons with my baby leading into two full weekend days- fill my heart. At work, it hasn't decreased my productivity or ability to perform. The extra 4 hours that I'm at home and not at work are not critical to success, even if my peers are putting in 4 hours more than those 4 hours. I've realized that I can generally predict when a fire will need to be put out on a project and that there is no real work fire that can't wait until Monday morning. If you say "but I can't do that" I would say that if I felt like I wasn't getting the time with her because I work 8-5, 5 days a week, with only an hour for lunch - you better believe that I'd spend that lunch hour with her at the daycare instead of out with coworkers. In essence, you have to make the most of the time you have. If you want the career, or need the career financially, you simply have to make the most of your time and stop harping on what you don't have.

Regarding personal interests and my husband {who is a personal interest}

Sure, I will admit that there is less time to pursue personal interests. There are not as many opportunities for my husband and I to do one of our favorite 30 mile bike rides on a Sunday afternoon and I resigned from a few committees and boards that I sat on. But, I don't feel so left out because of it. I feel like I am just opening myself up to a new interest. I feel like Snarkles is a personal interest, otherwise- why else would we have her?! And, at this time in life, she's the priority. Besides, talking with her is a whole lot less complicated than voting yes for one decision as a board of 16 individuals. Seriously though, we're a team in this. My husband and I support each other in our interests and if it's truly an shouldn't feel like a burden on your time. If I need or want to do something, we coordinate our schedules and it means Snarkles get's some Daddy time alone...which isn't such a bad thing. Call me an optimist. Truthfully, now, having Snarkles, creates new adventures for us as husband and wife. It's amazing how we're now doing new things together {like conquering the pack-n-play, sitting around the bathtub giving her a bath, figuring out how to tie the moby wrap} and still doing a lot of the same old stuff {like hanging out with friends, watching tv shows, working on house renovations} too.

So, it is all about how you frame it. If everything is seen negatively or you let stress rule your interactions and decision, you won't be able to be happy. You won't focus on the positive because you are too worried about the negative stuff. Let it go. Really, it's ok to just let go of the worry, of the chores, and of the expectations. The Jones don't have it together, you just see them as an out {"If only I could have this or be like this or do this...I would be happy"} but you aren't the Jones and you can't be you have to make the most your life.

I say all of this and you might think "this chick isn't successful and probably lives a messy life" but that's the farthest from the truth. I'm still very successful in my career, I wash and dry my hair everyday, and can coordinate an event like no please, let go of whatever it is that is creating this feeling of failure in your life as a mom, working mom, career woman, wife, friend, sister, daughter. We are not a crazy breed of person. We're all, simply, unique individuals. Wear your life as it suits you best.

PS: Just a quick note to say that this is one of my better posts that illustrates that becoming a first time parent via fostering is no different than any other route. Foster parents's go through these same issues and I believe it's all a matter of how you view life.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


What are the signs that your child is going to be left-handed?

Snarkles picks things up with both hands and really loves to have one item in each. But, there are also times people have noticed that she favors her left hand.

Last night, I let her hold the spoon to feed herself yogurt for the first time,

I know! We just let the 13.5 month old use a spoon for the first time, we are probably not as good parents as you or as smart as your child...right, well,

forgive me, but the mess wasn't worth it! and,

she totally knew how to use the spoon, the right way, the very first, there is some evidence to an argument that waiting until a child is developmentally ready to do something versus months and months of habitually doing it the wrong way means they will still learn and thrive...that's not to say there wasn't a mess...

Anyway, my point is, she picked up and held the spoon with her left hand. Does this mean she's going to be left handed? Can you tell this early on?

What am I supposed to do?! I'm a right handed I supposed to do things to encourage her to use her left hand, does it even matter...they didn't teach me this in fostering class!!!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Mixture of Emotions

I wish I was writing this with more CAPS and more exclamation points!!!!

I didn't train for this type of marathon. We can see the finish line...but we're not at the end. It's like we're running on flat land, where you can see 5 miles ahead...but you know it will take as much strength and effort of the last 21 miles to get there. I've never run a marathon but I imagine what those last 5 miles must feel like...

What happened yesterday? Well, we sat through some hard-to-hear cases and some really inspring testimony. Our case was heard! The bio-father testified. The paternal grandmother was present. The bio-mother was MIA, no surprise there. They never put our case worker on the stand, perhaps this would have been worthwhile? I don't know. It didn't happen so we won't ever know the whats/ifs and I will just let go of that.

The judge ruled to change the plan to adoption. In all my feelings, on everything else, I have neglected to realize how significant that is. It means the Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) proces will begin immediately. That will take a while, but TPR will happen. I should use more !!! here but it's just so sad that the bio-father still STILL doesn't accept that he's done anything wrong or that it's in Snarkles best future to be with us.

The court ordered a re-visit on the paternal grandmother's homestudy and set the next date 6 months out (standard review interval) for September.

I hate that I have thought about wishing away the next 6 months just to get to the "end." I don't want to wish away any of our time with Snarkles. What am I thinking, feeling this way?!

So, I'm going to vow, right now, to push the unsettled feelings away and not to worry any more. I will let these versus guide me through the next 6 months.

Matthew 6:34
Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Luke 12:25
And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?
Psalm 55:22
Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved
Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Spring is on it's way and the analogy of that is pretty obvious. I am sure that same analogy, so often used, will apply to you too.

Together we will watch the world bloom before our eyes. Every time you see a new plant in bloom, please say a prayer for Snarkles. Every time I see one, I will say a prayer of thanks for you. You are amazing friends and family.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


If you thought anxious or nervous might be how it would feel on a day like today, you wouldn't be totally off base. I'm very much feeling both of those.

I thought I would be more calm. I guess this is probably the more appropriate way to feel since today should be a huge day, deciding the course of Snarkles future.

Pray. Please.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I can't think about anything else...

...but this little girl right now. One of my favorite things is watching her wake up. It's such a struggle to gain strength enough to lift her head (and I can totally relate to the feeling)!!! She's a morning girl though, once she's up, she's all smiles.

She also loves loves loves her Daddy and she prefers him to me for quite a few things but when it comes down to it, she's a Mommy's girl, through and through!