Thursday, March 22, 2012


What are the signs that your child is going to be left-handed?

Snarkles picks things up with both hands and really loves to have one item in each. But, there are also times people have noticed that she favors her left hand.

Last night, I let her hold the spoon to feed herself yogurt for the first time,

I know! We just let the 13.5 month old use a spoon for the first time, we are probably not as good parents as you or as smart as your child...right, well,

forgive me, but the mess wasn't worth it! and,

she totally knew how to use the spoon, the right way, the very first, there is some evidence to an argument that waiting until a child is developmentally ready to do something versus months and months of habitually doing it the wrong way means they will still learn and thrive...that's not to say there wasn't a mess...

Anyway, my point is, she picked up and held the spoon with her left hand. Does this mean she's going to be left handed? Can you tell this early on?

What am I supposed to do?! I'm a right handed I supposed to do things to encourage her to use her left hand, does it even matter...they didn't teach me this in fostering class!!!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Mixture of Emotions

I wish I was writing this with more CAPS and more exclamation points!!!!

I didn't train for this type of marathon. We can see the finish line...but we're not at the end. It's like we're running on flat land, where you can see 5 miles ahead...but you know it will take as much strength and effort of the last 21 miles to get there. I've never run a marathon but I imagine what those last 5 miles must feel like...

What happened yesterday? Well, we sat through some hard-to-hear cases and some really inspring testimony. Our case was heard! The bio-father testified. The paternal grandmother was present. The bio-mother was MIA, no surprise there. They never put our case worker on the stand, perhaps this would have been worthwhile? I don't know. It didn't happen so we won't ever know the whats/ifs and I will just let go of that.

The judge ruled to change the plan to adoption. In all my feelings, on everything else, I have neglected to realize how significant that is. It means the Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) proces will begin immediately. That will take a while, but TPR will happen. I should use more !!! here but it's just so sad that the bio-father still STILL doesn't accept that he's done anything wrong or that it's in Snarkles best future to be with us.

The court ordered a re-visit on the paternal grandmother's homestudy and set the next date 6 months out (standard review interval) for September.

I hate that I have thought about wishing away the next 6 months just to get to the "end." I don't want to wish away any of our time with Snarkles. What am I thinking, feeling this way?!

So, I'm going to vow, right now, to push the unsettled feelings away and not to worry any more. I will let these versus guide me through the next 6 months.

Matthew 6:34
Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Luke 12:25
And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?
Psalm 55:22
Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved
Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Spring is on it's way and the analogy of that is pretty obvious. I am sure that same analogy, so often used, will apply to you too.

Together we will watch the world bloom before our eyes. Every time you see a new plant in bloom, please say a prayer for Snarkles. Every time I see one, I will say a prayer of thanks for you. You are amazing friends and family.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


If you thought anxious or nervous might be how it would feel on a day like today, you wouldn't be totally off base. I'm very much feeling both of those.

I thought I would be more calm. I guess this is probably the more appropriate way to feel since today should be a huge day, deciding the course of Snarkles future.

Pray. Please.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I can't think about anything else...

...but this little girl right now. One of my favorite things is watching her wake up. It's such a struggle to gain strength enough to lift her head (and I can totally relate to the feeling)!!! She's a morning girl though, once she's up, she's all smiles.

She also loves loves loves her Daddy and she prefers him to me for quite a few things but when it comes down to it, she's a Mommy's girl, through and through!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Oh, Snarkles!

We got a phone call Thursday, about 30 minutes before Daddy would be at the daycare to pick her up, that someone had fallen and hit her face (her eye - to be exact) on a toy. Awesome, guess what was on Friday morning...

Yeah, a visit. You try to explain a black eye in a situation like this to someone who had their child taken from them and was told that they were being well taken care of! Of course she is well taken care of and we all know this happens when babies are learning to walk. But, either way, sometimes, some people just want a fight. Thankfully, it didn't turn into a black eye over night!

No matter what, I hate sending her not looking her best.

She went, dressed in an outfit he gave her. It did look cute on her. He noticed and was happy. That makes me happy. It's hard to explain...but sometimes a little humanity goes a long way. I can only guess that's how we get through this the way we do. Sadly, I don't think he noticed all the other she sings, or how she "dances" (wiggles and rocks) at music, or even how she walks and the second before she reaches you her excitement takes over and she nearly leaps onto you!

From what we've been told about his conversations, I really feel he wants what's best for her. He's been doing a lot of thinking and I'm just praying this Thursday ends way better than last.

They're recommending the plan change to adoption. My Mom and I will go to hear the case/be present and maybe even meet the paternal grandmother.