Monday, December 19, 2011

Mary, would you?

Tis' the season for holiday parties, christmas trees, presents, and nativity scenes. Church plays, carols, family, and cookies.

These things. They fill my heart with happiness.

The sermon at church yesterday had me in tears. Don't believe for a second that I compare myself to Mary- but it was the lesson that touched me. Ultimately, the point was- would Mary say yes if she had the chance to do it all over?

She accepted God's call despite the magnitude of burden.

"...and a sword will pierce your own soul..." Luke 2:35

Maybe I never related to this part of the story so strongly before because I wasn't a Mother. But maybe, I feel a specific tightening in my chest because of our situation. Because reality is the chance that our souls will be pierced by this little girl's reunification is 50/50. The answer to the question- would we say yes if we had the chance to do it all over? is yes. A firm, undeniable, yes.

If God is going to choose you to do something, how do you say No? It would be like...turning down your best friend when she asks you to be her maid of honor, saying no to someone who picks you for their child's Godparent, or telling your boss you decided you didn't want that new project...but worse.

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