Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Duck Duck GOOSE

Her first word was officially Hi (or Bye?) Basically, the "iiiii" sound with a lot of waving. So, she knew she what she was saying- even if it lacked the hard consonant!

She says "da da" and "ma ma"

And because of one little hand-me down rubber duckie that seems to be one of her favorite things...She's also learned to say Duck (or Quack?). It's mostly a little "u" sound with a lot of "k" sound so it really could be either one.

Her hair is growing- can't tell if I detect a little curl at the end or not. Shade TBD, mostly light brown with blonde highlights. But it's FINALLY coming in! I see bows in our future :)

She can pull herself up, she looks for affirmation during all attempts.

Yesterday she just FELT bigger. I hate when I come home and feel like she has grown since I left in the morning. But, it's happening. She can still squeeze into a 9 month outfit but mostly we're transitioning to 12 month clothes (although some are still big).

And Finally:

Attachment. She's showing lots of signs of attachment, some jealously, and even a little attitude. I'm seriously looking forward to more of her personality coming out :) I can't wait to see what she picks up from Justin and me! (Lord, help us. Amen.)

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