Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hello, grey area


There were 46 days at the beginning of 2011 that we did not have Snarkles, although...we got the call and started preparing for her 5 days before she came, so maybe it's more like 41 days? Either way, when you divide 365 by get a small percentage. There was a very small amount of time that we weren't a family of 3. (5, should the dog and cat count?)

There were no birth announcements, not by her birth parents, not by us. There has been no permanent decision for her case plan. But, there are Christmas cards!

Oh boy, Christmas cards...where we finally get an excuse to send out pictures of little Snarkles.

Is it right? You know, for us to put pictures of her on our family Christmas card, I don't know. I do know that for 92% of this year we have been her parents. We have loved and cherished her and she is what we want to celebrate.

So, it's grey. Some people might get our card and think we're crazy for sending her picture out like she is our legal daughter. Some people might think it means we're adopting. Some people might think it means we don't have any respect for her birth parents. Whatever everyone thinks...I hope one message is clear...

That this little girl has brought us enough joy to last 100% of 100 years.

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