Friday, June 10, 2011

4 month check-up is today.

Our appointment today was ironically scheduled JUST at the right time for her to be seen about her very first cold/sinus or ear infection.

Man, have the last few nights been rough. Daddy and Snarkles stayed home together yesterday and things sort of fluctuated throughout the day...she was doing good and eating in the morning, then by the afternoon her temperature had risen and she was discontent....

But, it's the worst at night. The screaming...ohhhhh baby, the screaming. She gets pretty cozy laying on either one of our's chest but the second you try to lay her in the crib on her back she lets us know that things don't feel good.

This has been going on since Sunday night...I'm writing this Friday morning.

We attributed the first two nights scream fits as her just going through a stage, maybe she was over stimulated, maybe she was hot...But by Wednesday morning her little nose was sooo stuffy that we knew something else was wrong. The red eyes made us think allergies...but I'm not sure that would have made her feel so terrible...anyway, thankfully Tylenol has helped and little missy is acting ok this morning.

Little Missy, you ask?! Yes, one of the many nicknames we have for her. GASP. Actually, in foster care you are NOT allowed to use nicknames unless they are given by the birth parents. (Given her age though, I don't think we're harming her mentally.) If you think about this, it makes sense, a child could become very confused by having one name with one family and another for his other family.

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