Monday, April 11, 2011

I WANT to be Mom.

We have received a countless number of offers from people who want to watch baby Snarkles for a night. To "keep her while you guys go out on a date."

People are practically begging for her, she's just that cute and sweet.

But, it's getting annoying that I have to keep smiling and saying "thank you" "we will" "we know, we'll call if we need anything." Because, in fact, we are doing GREAT with baby Snarkles and we WANT to give up our time for her.

We never actually "went on dates" before she came, I don't know why we would start now. We don't know how long we will have Snarkles, I plan to spend every second of time with her that I can get. We don't see her all day long, why would I not want to see her at night or on the weekends. The mere 30+/- hours that we have with an awake baby during the week are simply not enough to quench our thirst to love her.

These are just a few of the reasons that I wish people would quit offering to keep her over and over. We should be grateful, but instead I feel like a jerk because I never do call, I never do need them to come watch her so that Justin and I can be alone.

We like taking her with us wherever we go. Experiencing life with her is so special that I just can't seem to "give it up." So, I'm sorry I haven't called. I'm not being rude, I just don't need a night out.

1 comment:

  1. I have a feeling I will be the same way- I am so looking forward to being "the mom". However... since I will be with the child all day and all night I may take someone up on their offer for some sanity! ;-)
