Monday, August 29, 2011


Miss Snarkles has realized there is a DOG living with us (!) and she thinks that dog is HILARIOUS.

It's the best thing in the world to hear that little girl laugh and now, she's not just laughing because things tickle...she's laughing because "that dog's head is huge and funny looking and headed toward me!"

Of course, this dog has been with us since November of 2008, the same November that we closed on our house, the same November that I was taking a professional exam for new credentials, and the SAME November that comes right before December and we all know what hectic times December brings. So yeah, this dog was our best decision made at the worst time.

Speaking of decisions that are poorly timed...

Miss Snarkles and I hiked 2.6 miles total to the top of Hanging Rock, together, alone. Actually, I did all of the hiking, she did most of the sightseeing on the way up and all of the sleeping on the way down.

Let's just say, that, on August 20th, I was the sweatest I've ever been. Have you ever hiked with a heater strapped to your front that weighed an extra 15lbs (not counting the additional weight for water/applejuice/baby paraphernalia). It's crazy I tell 'ya and I totally recommend it if your heater coos and is a cute as mine. that I can't say it was the best decision I've ever made (oye, the heat!) but crazy because it might become one of my favorite memories. The view at the top is gorgeous and it's my goal to show this little girl the world- I started on August 20, 2011.

1 comment:

  1. aww so cute! that sounds like an amazing hike. :)
