Tuesday, May 31, 2011

In about 8 minutes...

...baby Snarkles is having her first visitation since March 8th. That's roughly 3 months that we've been pretending to be this little family of our own (save for the few homevisits, WIC Appointments, and GAL visits).

Logistically, it's easy. Emotionally, it's hard. I wasn't sure I could pack her bag for the visit last night, I just didn't want to think about this innocent little girl going through this...

To use a beautiful little girl as bait for someone to get their life back on track, just seems ridiculous. She has no idea who these people are, in 3 months she has seen a lot of people more often than she has seen them.

This is what I struggle with: Do you take a 9 month old baby an reunite them with people they have no memories with?

If snarkles was 3 years old and knew a particular man and woman as her dad and mom but spent 9 months away with weekly visits, then OK, I can completely understand reunification in that instance. But, to take a 9 month old child, with NO memory of this man and woman she spends one hour with, once a week (heck, she sees a LOT of people once a week, how do you explain to a 9 month old who THESE "Once a week" people are?!)and send her home with them, just seems to be the most inhumane way to treat a child.

I'm torn up, obviously, but I have a strange peace about it all at the same time. There's a greater plan here, no matter what.

If you haven't, rent the movie Mother and Child, it's in redbox right now.

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